Rozšírené hľadanie
Pondelok 1. Júl 2024 |
meniny má Diana

Hľadané slová - AT computers

Nájdených 1483 článkov.

Julian Assange will learn on January 4 whether he will be sent to US to face hacking charges

Home | Mail Online 29.10.2020 21:02 Assange, 49, faces 18 charges including a plot to hack computers and conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information....

OS Release: RISC OS Open 5.28

 24.10.2020 19:31 RISC OS Open is a computer operating system originally designed by Acorn Computers Ltd in Cambridge, England in 1987. RISC OS was specifically designed to run on the ARM chipset, which Acorn had designed concurrently for use in its new line of Archimedes personal computers. It takes its.......

Autumn holidays change, art schools close too 23.10.2020 17:39 The ministry will contribute to schools to buy computers and other equipment for distance learning....

AI can analyze smartphone 'rash selfies' to diagnose Lyme disease

Home | Mail Online 21.10.2020 05:30 Researchers at Johns Hopkins have taught deep-learning computers to identify Erythema migrans, the rash associated with Lyme disease, in cellphone photos....

Therese Poletti's Tech Tales: How did Intel lose its Silicon Valley crown? - Software Industry News 17.10.2020 02:03 Intel Corp., Silicon Valley’s largest chip maker, is still the dominant provider of chips for personal computers and servers, but its reign as the king of manufacturing in the industry is now over. ...

RAF's new £2bn fighter jet will have its own 'virtual on-board assistant'

Home | Mail Online 15.10.2020 23:37 Scheduled to be in service by 2035, the Tempest warplane will be capable of being flown by humans or the computer 'co-pilot'. The jet's computers will be able to take over if the pilot is too stressed....

Moon's now-defunct magnetic field 'protected Earths from solar storms' 4 billion years ago 

Home | Mail Online 14.10.2020 21:36 Researchers led by James Green, NASA's chief scientist, created computers models of the protective impact the Moon once had on Earth....

Quantum computing revenue to hit $15 billion in 2028 due to AI, R&D, cybersecurity

Crypto-World - news 13.10.2020 04:04 The demand for quantum computing services will be driven by some process hungry research and development projects as well as by the emergence of several applications including advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, next-generation encryption, traffic routing and scheduling, protein synthesis, and/or the design of advanced chemicals and materi...

Study shows writing is good for the brain and boosts memory

Home | Mail Online 03.10.2020 03:37 Pupils are now encouraged to tap words out on tablets and computers. But writing by hand may help them learn better, a study suggests....

Judge will rule on January 4 whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be extradited

Home | Mail Online 01.10.2020 19:11 The US authorities accuse Assange, 49, of conspiring to hack government computers and of violating an espionage law....

Children who write by hand learn and remember more than those that use computers, experts say

Home | Mail Online 01.10.2020 21:05 Many US states do not require schools to teach handwriting, but a new study reveals the act helps children learn and remember better than if they record information using a computer....

Primary school teacher, 45, 'snooped on her colleagues' emails

Home | Mail Online 21.09.2020 17:19 Donna-Maria Thomas allegedly illegally accessed computers at Aldingbourne Primary School, Chichester, West Sussex, and scoured accounts containing 'highly confidential' material....

Julian Assange appears in dock as extradition hearing resumes

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 07.09.2020 19:44 The 49-year-old faces 18 charges, including an alleged plot to hack computers and obtain US documents....

Mapping a wildfire's next move is getting easier, thanks to computers - CNET

CNET 04.09.2020 14:46 Fire-predicting software can project how a fire could spread -- while it's still burning....

Future quantum computers may have to be built UNDERGROUND

Home | Mail Online 27.08.2020 11:09 A team from MIT and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that the performance of a qubit will hit a wall as cosmic rays and even trace radiation in concrete walls can limit their performance....