Rozšírené hľadanie
Streda 26. Marec 2025 |
meniny má Emanuel

Hľadané slová - Auriol

Nájdených 72 článkov.

Kde jiná auta trpěla, škodovka zářila. Drsná Safari rallye pro ni byla jak dělaná

iDnes - Sport 23.03.2025 12:00 Za jejím volantem seděl i legendární Stig Blomqvist, dál pak třeba Roman Kresta, Toni Gardemeister, Didier Auriol... Vzpomínáte? Škoda Octavia WRC byla prvním škodováckým speciálem v nejvyšší světové třídě rallye, jen nepříliš úspěšným. Jezdci si ji ale pochvalovali a několika veselých momentů se přeci dočkala. Nap...

Návrat do rallye v šestašedesáti. Mistr Auriol se možná naposledy pobaví

iDnes - Sport 21.11.2024 20:30 Před třemi dekádami byl na absolutním vrcholu. V závěrečném závodě sezony 1994 v celkovém pořadí přeskočil Carlose Sainze a stal se světovým šampionem v rallye. Teď se francouzský pilot Didier Auriol, jehož si možná vybavíte i ze štace ve Škodě Motorsport, vrací za volant do ostrého závodu. V šestašedesáti letech....

Furious family of reclusive cerebral palsy sufferer, 50, jailed for a year for causing cyclist to fall into the path of a car slam her conviction - as it is quashed by appeal judges

Home | Mail Online 12.05.2024 13:30 Auriol Grey, 50, was previously found guilty of manslaughter after a jury ruled she caused a cyclist to fall into the path of a car when shouting: 'Get off the f***ing pavement.'...

Disabled woman 'really happy' manslaughter conviction was quashed

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 20:16 A thrilled Auriol Grey called her friend after the High Court decision, telling him: 'I'm really happy and relieved I will not be going back to jail.'...

How reclusive cerebral palsy sufferer Auriol Grey was catapulted to national notoriety after waving a cyclist off the pavement and into the path of a car - as her manslaughter conviction is overturned

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 20:16 Auriol Grey was well known in her hometown of Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, where cruel yobs regularly tormented her ....

REVEALED: The tragic story behind the disabled woman who was jailed for causing a cyclist to fall into the path of a car by telling her to get off the pavement - and how the crash ended a marriage

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 20:16 Auriol Grey has spent more than a year in prison. Her three-year sentence for causing the death of an elderly cyclist on a narrow pavement in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire has caused some controversy....

Disabled woman, 50, jailed for killing cyclist, 77, treats friends to a Wetherspoon breakfast as she rebuilds life after early release from three-year prison sentence and prepares fight to clear her name

Home | Mail Online 06.04.2024 16:30 EXCLUSIVE: Auriol Grey, 50, is set to contest her conviction for causing the death of cyclist Celia Ward, 77, during a pavement row....

Disabled woman, 50, who was jailed for angrily waving cyclist, 77, off the pavement and into path of car which killed her is 'thrilled' to be back home as she is released on bail after winning right to challenge manslaughter conviction

Home | Mail Online 22.03.2024 16:15 EXCLUSIVE: Auriol Grey is 'thrilled' to be back home and has been welcomed by 'big hugs' from supportive neighbours and after doing a supermarket shop....

K mání je skutečná Škoda Fabia WRC, kterou sedlali Auriol či Gardemeister. V dokonalém stavu bude stát majlant 06.02.2024 22:00 Žádná replika, napodobenina nebo jinak pochybné zboží, ale jeden ze skutečných 24 továrních speciálů míří do dražby kompletně zrenovovaný a se všemi dokumenty. Tohle auto může ihned nastoupit do soutěží a vzpomínat na doby, kdy se Škoda prala o vavříny se světovou elitou. ...

K mání je skutečná Škoda Fabia WRC, kterou sedlali Auriol či Gardemeister. V dokonalém stavu bude stát majlant 06.02.2024 20:00 Žádná replika, napodobenina nebo jinak pochybné zboží, ale jeden ze skutečných 24 továrních speciálů míří do dražby kompletně zrenovovaný a se všemi dokumenty. Tohle auto může ihned nastoupit do soutěží a vzpomínat na doby, kdy se Škoda prala o vavříny se světovou elitou. ...

Ealeyová vyhrala v Bruseli guľu, celkovo triumfovala Dongmová - Šport 08.09.2023 01:00 V konečnom poradí tejto disciplíny v rámci DL po štyroch súťažiach zvíťazila Kamerunčanka Auriol Dongmová so ziskom 25 bodov....

Disabled woman Auriol Grey jailed for waving cyclist off pavement LOSES bid to appeal sentence 

Home | Mail Online 19.05.2023 19:45 CCTV footage showed Auriol Grey, 49, shout at retired midwife Celia Ward to 'get off the f****** pavement' in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, causing her to fall into the road....

Disabled woman jailed for waving cyclist off pavement and into car's path will appeal her sentence

Home | Mail Online 19.05.2023 10:45 CCTV footage showed Auriol Grey, 49, shout at retired midwife Celia Ward to 'get off the f****** pavement' in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, causing her to fall into the road....

Lawyers of partially blind woman who was jailed for waving cyclist into path of car slam trial judge

Home | Mail Online 02.04.2023 13:39 Auriol Grey was sentenced to three years in prison last month after being found guilty of the manslaughter of Celia Ward, 77, in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, in 2020....

Family of 'childlike' partially blind woman says her vulnerabilities were 'ignored' by judge

Home | Mail Online 26.03.2023 19:24 Auriol Grey's family slammed the judge for sentencing her to prison, saying she was 'treated as if she was able-bodied' and questioned: 'How can you put a disabled person in a place like that?'...