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Home | Mail Online 27.01.2025 16:15 The IFS insisted dismal growth would make further increases to the burden 'difficult to avoid' for Chancellor Rachel Reeves....
Home | Mail Online 08.01.2025 07:30 The Institute for Fiscal Studies said state school budgets will remain 'very tight' and universities will not reach a 'secure financial footing' in 2025/26.... 20.12.2024 20:30 V dnešní době je udržitelnost a společenská odpovědnost pro firmy stále důležitější téma. IFS, jako přední poskytovatel ERP řešení, aktivně pracuje na integraci ESG funkcí do svého podnikové systému IFS Cloud....... 29.11.2024 16:30 Společnost AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE, největší výrobce letadel v České republice a jeden z nejstarších výrobců letounů na světě, nasadí systémy IFS Cloud a Teamcenter s cílem optimalizovat procesy a zvýšit výkonnost ve vysoce konkurenčním odvětví. Nová ERP a PLM řešení pomohou českému výrobci zrychlit výrobu leta......
Home | Mail Online 25.06.2024 20:30 Nick Thomas-Symonds raised the prospect of the party's plans shifting during a round of interviews this morning....
Home | Mail Online 17.06.2024 21:45 Nigel Farage complained that the country was 'broken' as he unveiled the election prospectus - conceding at the same time that he will never be able to implement it.... 06.05.2024 23:31 ESG formuje cestu k udržitelnému a odpovědnému podnikání. Otevřeme společně dveře do této esenciální oblasti, kde se setkávají inovace, udržitelnost a společenská odpovědnost, aby formovaly pozitivní změny pro naši společnost. Vstupte s námi do světa, kde každé rozhodnutí formuje budoucnost.......
Home | Mail Online 20.04.2024 12:16 Pension pots sit outside the inheritance tax net and pulling them into it could land the Government an extra £200million in revenue, IFS research claimed....
Home | Mail Online 20.04.2024 01:45 As Rishi Sunak launched a 'moral mission' to help more people into work, the IFS released estimates underlining the mounting scale of the problem....
Home | Mail Online 27.02.2024 17:45 Speculation has been mounting that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will knock a penny off NICs for employees as part of the crucial fiscal package....
Home | Mail Online 27.01.2024 07:31 IFS chief Paul Johnson said abolishing the property-purchase levy would cost around £6billion - roughly the same as taking 1p off income tax - but it would have more impact....
Home | Mail Online 25.01.2024 15:45 The Labour leader said the Government was solely focused on 'creating divides' by setting 'traps' for his party on spending decisions....
Home | Mail Online 18.01.2024 22:30 Rather than gazing at his navel or collecting pointless awards - lauded as a 'legend' of aviation - the royal formerly known as Prince could have been doing something useful for Crown and country....
Home | Mail Online 13.12.2023 06:15 The triple lock pledge means the state pension should increase every year by the highest of inflation, average earnings growth or 2.5 per cent - and it will deliver an 8.5 per cent boost next April....
Home | Mail Online 24.11.2023 10:15 IFS economists claimed Mr Hunt had 'pencilled in numbers that suggest he wants to try to wrestle the size of the state back down towards where it was in 2019' before the pandemic....