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Pondelok 1. Júl 2024 |
meniny má Diana

Hľadané slová - migrant

Nájdených 4346 článkov.

Rachel Reeves says the UK's reliance on cheap migrant workers has held back the country's productivity

Home | Mail Online 11.10.2023 00:02 Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves suggested British companies had been slower than those in other countries to increase the use of robots and new technology....

Teenage migrant drowns while trying to cross the Channel in small boat carrying 60 people - as number to have made the crossing so far this year passes 25,000

Home | Mail Online 08.10.2023 22:02 French emergency services found the body of an Eritrean male aged around 17 to 18 years of age who drowned crossing the English Channel....

Migrant crisis: Sunak to urge 'Europe-wide solutions' at summit in Granada

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 05.10.2023 07:15 At a summit in Spain, Europe's leaders will discuss how to lower irregular migration to the continent....

Imigrant Alphonse: V Alžírsku mi usekli nohy

Britské 05.10.2023 13:01 Příběh o tom, jak Alphonse přišel o nohy poté, co byl deportován z #Tuniska do #Alžírska, je skutečně šokující. Přesto se zdá, že evropští politici nemají s #africkými #migranty žádný soucit. The story of how Alphonse lost his feet after he was deported from #Tunisia to #Algeria is truly shocking. Yet European politicians se...

Suella Braverman to blast low-skill migrant rules as immigration minister Robert Jenrick admits colleagues have been 'naive' about allowing higher levels of workers

Home | Mail Online 03.10.2023 11:31 Home Secretary Mrs Braverman will deliver her keynote address to the Conservative conference in Manchester today, which is expected to address the points raised by Robert Jenrick....

Just 3% of small boats migrants will be removed from the UK if the Supreme Court fails to give the Rwanda migrant plan the green light, report warns

Home | Mail Online 02.10.2023 06:45 More than 35,000 small boat migrants a year, at current rates, will face possible 'destitution' here, predicts stark analysis by leading migrant charity the Refugee Council....

Germany warns Schengen Zone will be 'in danger' if the EU cannot protect its external frontiers as Berlin imposes new border controls with Poland and Czech Republic after migrant influx

Home | Mail Online 28.09.2023 01:00 Germany saw its first-time asylum requests rise by 78% in the first seven months of 2023, according to official data....

Francii sužuje vlna znásilnění spáchaných migranty

Akta X 28.09.2023 22:30 Množství zpráv o znásilněních a pokusech o znásilnění ze strany migrantů žijících ve Francii se dostalo na titulní strany místních novin, protože pokračující dramatický nárůst sexuálních útoků a masové imigrace prokazuje nepopiratelnou souvislost. Francouzský deník Le Figaro v pátek informoval o skonu 67leté ženy, k...

Francii sužuje vlna znásilnění spáchaných migranty

Akta X 27.09.2023 19:15 Množství zpráv o znásilněních a pokusech o znásilnění ze strany migrantů žijících ve Francii se dostalo na titulní strany místních novin, protože pokračující dramatický nárůst sexuálních útoků a masové imigrace prokazuje nepopiratelnou souvislost. Francouzský deník Le Figaro v pátek informoval o skonu 67leté ženy, k...

Eritrean migrant, 24, is found dead on Calais beach after falling off a small boat while she tried to cross the Channel to reach the UK

Home | Mail Online 26.09.2023 19:00 The 24-year-old, who has not been named, is thought to have drowned in the early hours of this morning. She was hoping to claim asylum in Britain....

Migrant, 18, who piloted crammed inflatable boat full of asylum seekers after watching TikTok videos on how to enter Britain illegally is jailed for two years

Home | Mail Online 26.09.2023 19:00 Abdul Basset Ahmed, 18, took charge of a small inflatable boat crammed with 58 passengers days after the British government announced a crackdown on the brazen social media 'promotions'....

Berlin has been financing charities who rescue migrants in the Med and drop them off on Italian shores, says 'astonished' PM Georgia Meloni in furious letter to Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Home | Mail Online 26.09.2023 19:00 The right-wing Meloni is pursuing a hard line against illegal immigration but Italy has seen a surge in migrant arrivals this year with some 133,000 coming ashore so far....

Is America about to send special forces into Mexico? Growing calls for US military to tackle migrant crisis and cartels amid chaos at border

Home | Mail Online 25.09.2023 23:15 Migrants from across the world continue to flood into the US through its southern border creating more headaches for the Biden administration....

'The migrant crisis will destroy my city', New York Mayor Eric Adams declares as the city battles to cope with the influx of thousands drawn there by Joe Biden's open-door policy, TOM LEONARD writes

Home | Mail Online 24.09.2023 05:45 TOM LEONARD: Until recently, hundreds of migrants would doss down outside the Roosevelt on pieces of cardboard overnight, for fear of losing their place in a queue in central New York....

Lampedusa: Inside the camp at the heart of Europe’s migrant surge

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 23.09.2023 23:00 At least 10,000 migrants arrived on Italy's Lampedusa island last week, stretching local resources....