Rozšírené hľadanie
Pondelok 1. Júl 2024 |
meniny má Diana

Hľadané slová - migrant

Nájdených 4346 článkov.

Obnovení kontrol slovenských hranic by připadalo v úvahu, kdyby je denně přecházely stovky migrantů, řekl Rakušan

ČT24 - Hlavní události 20.09.2023 16:00 Požadavky, aby se každý migrant, který se pokusí nelegálním způsobem proniknout do Evropské unie, vracel do země původu, považuje ministr vnitra Vít Rakušan za nereálné. Často podle něj nelze zjistit, odkud dotyční lidé přišli, a navíc považuje na neuskutečnitelné vracet je například až do oblasti Sahelu. Opoziční ...

Europe's migrant crisis laid bare: Map shows how Germany gets the most asylum seekers with numbers in France, Austria and Spain all above the UK - as experts warn that public opinion is turning against open-door policies

Home | Mail Online 19.09.2023 14:45 With the political row raging in the UK, figures show that numbers of asylum seekers were higher in Germany, France, Austria and Spain last year....

Ex UKIP parliamentary candidate who campaigned against illegal migrant workers is fined £500 - for working illegally as a pub security supervisor

Home | Mail Online 18.09.2023 18:30 Former UKIP Parliamentary candidate Paul Dowson, 55, was caught getting paid as a rogue doorman in Tenby, Pembrokeshire and hit with a bill for £2,800 court costs....

Lampedusa: Ursula von der Leyen and Giorgia Meloni visit island after migrant boat fears

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 17.09.2023 14:46 More than 8,000 migrants have arrived on the Italian island over the past three days....

Lampedusa: Newborn baby dies on Italy migrant boat

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 16.09.2023 18:30 The body was placed in a white coffin and taken to a cemetery in Lampedusa, reports say....

Warfare between migrant criminal gangs has brought an 'unprecedented' wave of violence to Sweden, police admit

Home | Mail Online 14.09.2023 04:30 The country has seen a series of fatal shootings in just a week. 'There have recently been murders and explosions on an unprecedented scale,' police chief Anders Thornberg said....

'Britain's FBI' says the migrant crisis can ONLY be resolved with a 'removal and deterrence' scheme

Home | Mail Online 13.09.2023 08:15 In an internal memo, the agency dubbed the 'British FBI' said no amount of law enforcement activity alone can halt the people smuggling gangs....

Rishi Sunak holds 'spritz summit' with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the G20 as he aims to attract European support for his plan to send illegal migrants to Rwanda

Home | Mail Online 10.09.2023 10:00 The Prime Minister met Giorgia Meloni at the G20 Summit in India to forge Rwanda-style solutions to the pan-continental migrant crisis....

Migrant je nový migrant 05.09.2023 10:00 Ak krízy nebudú uspokojivo riešiť „naši“, príležitosť dostanú tí druhí....

Robert Fico ovládol túto kampaň

Stratégie online 05.09.2023 22:15 Keby mali Ficovi súperi poučku ako uspieť vo voľbách, muselo by v nej okrem iného stáť aj toto: Keď sa pred voľbami niekde zjaví nelegálny migrant, treba ho zahnať za hranice. Alebo aspoň šupnúť do basy za vysoké ostnaté drôty a strážiť kukláčmi. Lenže ju nemajú a navyše nemajú ani vládu. A úradníck......

Hundreds of furious villagers stage huge protest outside luxury four-star spa which shut down and turned itself into a migrant hotel - becoming the SECOND in the area to start housing asylum seekers

Home | Mail Online 04.09.2023 01:30 Hundreds of people have turned out to a protest over controversial plans to house asylum seekers at a four-star hotel near Wigan....

Our sleepy village streets will be overrun with 'young men' when luxury four-star spa becomes the SECOND hotel to house hundreds of migrants near Kent town

Home | Mail Online 03.09.2023 15:15 EXCLUSIVE: Villagers in Standish claim their sleepy idyll will be overrun with asylum seekers when a luxury four-star hotel becomes the second migrant holding centre in their local area next week....

Housebuilders call for 30,000 more brickies

Home | Mail Online 02.09.2023 09:00 Construction has been affected by tens of thousands of migrant workers returning home during the pandemic and deciding not to return....

Rishi Sunak has rewarded loyalty in reshuffle as he hopes Grant Shapps will make MoD play bigger role in migrant crisis and Claire Coutinho will prove her worth as rising star, JASON GROVES writes

Home | Mail Online 01.09.2023 01:30 JASON GROVES: The PM replaced the defence secretary Ben Wallace with one of his biggest cheerleaders, Grant Shapps. Mr Shapps in turn was replaced by one of the PM's own former aides....

European judges are 'treading on national sovereignty' blasts Suella Braverman as the Home Secretary leaves the option of the UK leaving the ECHR open

Home | Mail Online 29.08.2023 02:30 Suella Braverman insisted the Bibby Stockholm migrant accommodation barge is safe, as the Labour-supporting firefighters' union threatened legal action over its use....