Rozšírené hľadanie
Streda 3. Júl 2024 |
meniny má Miloslav

Hľadané slová - migrant

Nájdených 4346 článkov.

Ministers are so hooked on cheap, foreign labour our immigration policy has become a giant Ponzi scheme, writes Matt Goodwin

Home | Mail Online 19.07.2023 05:00 MATT GOODWIN: Many of the millions who voted for Brexit had one simple priority. To wean Britain off its addiction to cheap migrant labour....

Furious locals launch protest in Dorset as Bibby Stockholm barge that will house 500 male asylum seekers gets set to arrive at port in the popular seaside resort today

Home | Mail Online 18.07.2023 09:30 The Bibby Stockholm is a huge migrant barge capable of housing up to 500 migrants. It set sail from Falmouth in Cornwall yesterday and is due to arrive at Portland in Dorset today....

Watch: Bibby Stockholm explained... in 60 seconds

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 18.07.2023 18:15 BBC South's Ben Moore was on Portland as the controversial migrant barge arrived at the Dorset port....

Baby found headless on Spanish beach had died in migrant boat tragedy in April which also claimed her parents' lives, police reveal

Home | Mail Online 18.07.2023 19:30 Spanish police confirmed today the child had been identified and said she was an eight-month-old baby who died on a migrant boat which capsized near to the Balearic Islands....

Builders say 'hard working' European labourers are needed to plug shortages amid row over plans to relax visa rules for foreign tradespeople

Home | Mail Online 18.07.2023 19:30 Some fear it could cause a repeat of migrant workers undercutting the wages of UK tradespeople by flooding the market and offering to do the work for much cheaper....

Theresa May again set to lead Tory rebellion against Illegal Migration Bill

Home | Mail Online 17.07.2023 13:45 The House of Commons will this afternoon consider a fresh raft of changes to the Illegal Migration Bill, which aims to end the Channel migrant crisis, as made by the House of Lords....

Bibby Stockholm: Huge migrant barge begins trip to Portland to house 500 asylum seekers

Home | Mail Online 17.07.2023 23:45 The Bibby Stockholm barge set sail from Falmouth in Cornwall this morning heading for its final destination in Portland Port, Dorset....

No more concessions on Channel migrant Bill, ministers warn peers

Home | Mail Online 14.07.2023 18:15 Immigration minister Robert Jenrick delivered the stark message as a showdown looms between the Commons and Lords over the plans....

Negligence may have led to 36 migrant deaths in Canary Islands, lawsuit alleges

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 13.07.2023 02:00 An inflatable boat sank after those on board waited 10 hours for help last month in Gran Canaria....

PM faces race against time to get Channel migrants Bill past House of Lords before summer recess

Home | Mail Online 12.07.2023 17:45 MPs last night overturned a series of peers' changes to the legislation - aimed at ending the Channel migrant crisis - in a marathon voting session in the House of Commons....

Stalemate at migrant hotel protest as counter campaigners refused to back down amid police presence

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 01:30 Locals living near to the four-star Stradey Park Hotel in Llanelli, South Wales, are camping out as they continue their campaign to stop the venue being turned into a refugee centre....

Hotels paid millions by the taxpayer to keep 5,000 hotel beds permanently empty as migrant overspill

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 11:15 Senior Home Office civil servants confirmed the rooms are booked - and paid for - as a 'buffer' for the asylum processing centre at Manston in Kent following concerns over overcrowding....

Migrant boat from Senegal carrying 200 people missing off Canary Islands

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 10.07.2023 05:45 The aid group Walking Borders says many children are on board the missing boat, which departed from Senegal....

Spain coast guard spots boat during search for missing migrant vessel

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 10.07.2023 15:30 Around 200 people including children are thought to be on board the ship, which set off from Senegal....

Protesters march against plan for barge for more than 500 migrant men off the Dorset coast

Home | Mail Online 09.07.2023 01:00 Two separate protest groups - No to the Barge and Stand Up to Racism - marched on Portland Port to voice their objections to the Home Office's plan to put the young men on the Bibby Stockholm....