Rozšírené hľadanie
Sobota 6. Júl 2024 |
meniny má Patrik, Patrícia

Hľadané slová - migrant

Nájdených 4347 článkov.

Protesters march against plan for barge for more than 500 migrant men off the Dorset coast

Home | Mail Online 09.07.2023 01:00 Two separate protest groups - No to the Barge and Stand Up to Racism - marched on Portland Port to voice their objections to the Home Office's plan to put the young men on the Bibby Stockholm....

Migrant centre branded inhumane as the Wi-Fi is slow and it has no local hair salon, inspectors say 

Home | Mail Online 09.07.2023 01:00 EXCLUSIVE: Inspectors have declared that Derwentside removal centre in Durham is 'inhumane' - because the wi-fi is slow and mobile signal unreliable....

Afghan migrant deported for raping 12-year-old girl got £20K in taxpayer-funded legal aid 

Home | Mail Online 09.07.2023 11:01 EXCLUSIVE: Emal Kochai, 29, was deported from Britain in 2019 after serving half of a nine-year prison sentence for raping his victim at a house in Reading, Berks in 2014....

Potopila sa loď pri Tunisku: Nezvestných je desať migrantov, jeden zahynul - Zahraničné 09.07.2023 19:00 TUNIS - Najmenej jeden tuniský migrant zahynul a desať ďalších je nezvestných po tom, ako sa ich loď potopila pri brehoch Tuniska, keď sa snažili preplaviť cez Stredozemné more do Talianska. S odvolaním sa na miestne úrady o tom dnes informovala agentúra Reuters. Pobrežná stráž zachránila 11 ľudí z plavidla, ktoré vyrazilo z p...

Illegal Algerian migrant who raped drunk student in Newcastle jailed and faces deportation

Home | Mail Online 05.07.2023 01:15 Illegal Algerian immigrant Marwen Darwish , 23, found the victim drunk and distressed in Newcastle city centre, then carried her into a secluded alleyway and raped her....

Tensions grow in Skegness after 'migrant' charged with raping woman in park 

Home | Mail Online 03.07.2023 00:15 MailOnline can reveal that four of Skegness's hotels which previously provided beds for holidaymakers are currently accommodating an estimated 250 migrants....

EU member states want their own Rwanda-style migrant deportation programme

Home | Mail Online 30.06.2023 14:00 Leaders from countries including Denmark, Greece and Austria are reportedly using this week's European Council summit to push the EU to adopt a tougher approach....

Rishi Sunak refuses to say if Rwanda migrant flights will take off this year

Home | Mail Online 30.06.2023 23:45 The Prime Minister suffered a huge blow to his 'stop the boats' pledge yesterday when Court of Appeal judges ruled the deportation deal with the African country was unlawful....

BBC News anchor Huw Edwards admits he fears tweeting in case he falls foul of impartiality rules

Home | Mail Online 29.06.2023 18:15 Edwards, 61, revealed his concerns over a potential social media backlash in the wake of Gary Lineker's tweets which likened the Government's migrant crackdown to 1930s Germany....

Britons will save £106K for every Channel migrant deterred from reaching the UK

Home | Mail Online 27.06.2023 08:45 An official analysis of the Government's Illegal Migration Bill said the potential savings could reach £165,000 per person if hotel costs for would-be refugees continue to rise....

Infamous Manston migrant site to be expanded to add 1,000 places in effort to slash £3bn asylum bill

Home | Mail Online 25.06.2023 10:00 EXCLUSIVE: The Manston migrant centre in Kent, where Channel boat arrivals are brought and 'processed', is to be enlarged so that it can house asylum seekers for longer....

Germany passes law to attract skilled migrant workers amid fierce debate

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 24.06.2023 02:00 The measure, intended to address a labour shortage, will lower hurdles for migrants to the country....

Greece ignored offer to monitor migrant boat, says EU border agency

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 24.06.2023 02:00 Officials are said to have ignored an offer to send a plane to monitor the boat that later sank....

Greece boat disaster: Two families united in grief thousands of miles apart

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 22.06.2023 21:15 Up to 600 people are feared dead after the migrant boat disaster off Greece - many from Egypt and Pakistan....

Migrant crisis: Tunisian fisherman finds dead bodies in his net

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 21.06.2023 06:31 Many migrants leave from Tunisia by boat to reach Europe, but the consequences can be tragic....