Rozšírené hľadanie
Sobota 6. Júl 2024 |
meniny má Patrik, Patrícia

Hľadané slová - migrant

Nájdených 4347 článkov.

Migrant killer, 21, is suing Home Office for 'ruining his social life'

Home | Mail Online 09.06.2023 23:45 Lukas Makula was jailed for five years in 2018 for causing the death of an elderly man. He claims curfew condition such as the GPS monitoring tag has 'ruined his social life'....

Syrský migrant ve Francii pobodal nožem tříleté děti v parku, některé bojují o život -

Zprávy Google - Věda/technika 08.06.2023 19:30 SeznamZprá Aktuálně ...

Sadiq the NIMBY? London mayor angrily rejects plan to moor Channel migrant barge in Royal Docks

Home | Mail Online 08.06.2023 19:45 The east London docks, beside City Airport, was named in reports this week as a potential new site to house asylum seekers as part of Government efforts to crack down on Channel crossings....

Rishi Sunak 'ready to ram Channel migrant law through' House of Lords

Home | Mail Online 06.06.2023 11:46 Rishi Sunak has suggested he will use the Parliament Act to force the Illegal Migration Bill through, saying it was 'very strongly' backed by MPs and 'incredibly important'....

Dobehla ho temná minulosť? Muža zatkli pre podozrenie z prípadu starého 30 rokov

Č 06.06.2023 12:00 V Nemecku zatkli muža podozrivého z účasti na viac ako 30 rokoch starom podpaľačskom útoku na azylový dom, pri ktorom prišiel o život migrant z Afriky a ďalší utrpeli zranenia....

Albanian people smugglers are mocking 'soft-touch' UK in adverts promoting migrant crossings

Home | Mail Online 05.06.2023 07:45 The Home Office last week launched a new campaign in Albania, warning would-be migrants they faced being 'detained and removed'....

Vstřícnost k Ukrajincům mě překvapila, důležitá je i barva pleti, říká socioložka

iDnes - Zpravodajství 31.05.2023 23:00 Migrant, uprchlík, cizinec. Slova, která vzbuzují emoce. Negativní u značné části české společnosti vypluly na povrch po roce 2015 v souvislosti s evropskou uprchlickou krizí. Češi berou migraci spíš jako ohrožení a nejsou příliš ochotni otevřít dveře nově příchozím, říká socioložka Radka Klvaňová....

Border Force and Home Office staff could go on strike to ground Rwanda migrant flights

Home | Mail Online 30.05.2023 17:46 The militant Public and Commercial Services union warned its members could walk out rather than help send deportee flights to Rwanda or implement the Illegal Immigration Bill....

Moment migrant boy, 4, is dumped over a Mexico-United States border fence in California

Home | Mail Online 24.05.2023 02:45 A four-year-old migrant boy was fortunate not to have suffered any injuries when he slipped from the grasp of an adult who was clinging to the top of a border fence in San Diego last week....

Nechcete to počuť, ale bez nich sme v … Kto je náš ideálny migrant? - Ekonomika 16.05.2023 12:16  Vedeli ste, že práve Fidel Castro pomohol – hoci to rozhodne nebol jeho cieľ - odbúrať mýty o škodlivosti migrantov? Príbeh, ktorý sa odohral pred viac ako 40 rokmi, sa zapísal do učebníc ekonómie....

Visa scammers are 'offering British men £10,000 to pose as fathers for migrant women'

Home | Mail Online 16.05.2023 19:15 The 'fake father' scam sees men receive large sums of money in return for adding their names to a child's birth certificate, a BBC Newsnight investigation has claimed....

Ruthless migrant smuggling gangs have praised Welby's attack on Rwanda plan

Home | Mail Online 14.05.2023 10:15 The attack on the Government's flagship Bill on immigration by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has been praised by migrant smuggling gangs...

Migrant who came to UK with just £200 now owns business with turnover of £7million a year

Home | Mail Online 14.05.2023 19:45 Alex Landowski, 37, spent his first weeks in the UK working for free as a bicycle courier, while staying with a friend and sleeping on his bedroom floor....

Calls among top ministers for rise in salary thresholds to cut migrant numbers

Home | Mail Online 14.05.2023 19:45 Reports in recent days have suggested ministers are braced for official figures released later this month to show net migration of between 650,000 and 997,000....

The two-mile camp in Mexico where migrants are STILL waiting to get into the US

Home | Mail Online 13.05.2023 06:30 A migrant camp on the banks of the Rio Grande outside the Mexican city of Matamoros stretched for two miles on Friday, footage obtained by showed....