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Sobota 6. Júl 2024 |
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Proč náhle zmizela oblíbená bitcoinová peněženka z amerických obchodů s aplikacemi?

Investičný online magazín 24.11.2023 22:15 Oblíbená aplikace pro platby na síti Bitcoin Lightning, Wallet of Satoshi , již není dostupná v amerických verzích obchodu Google Play a App Store společnosti Apple. Navzdory očekávanému dosažení jednoho milionu transakcí v listopadu již američtí uživatelé nemají k aplikaci přístup. Nadšenci do kryptoměn horlivě diskutov...

Případová studie: Vyvinuli jsme mobilní aplikaci pro jedničku na trhu se stínicí technikou

Blog IMP net - Marketing a reklama 23.11.2023 06:45 V létě minulého roku jsme stáli před výzvou – náš klient Isotra, jeden z největších výrobců stínicí techniky na českém trhu, nás požádal, abychom pro něj vyvinuli mobilní aplikaci určenou pro konfiguraci bioklimatické samonosné pergoly Artosi. Po několika měsících vývoje a následného vylaďování detailů je aplik...

iOS 17: What to Know About Apple's Upcoming Journal App - CNET

CNET 22.11.2023 15:30 Apple said the iPhone writing tool will arrive before the end of this year....

Retired nurse, 71, vows to 'fight for the older generation' after she was hit with a parking fine despite ticket machine being out of order - then told she should have downloaded an app to pay

Home | Mail Online 22.11.2023 17:46 EXCLUSIVE Agnes Chandler, 71, was told by the private parking firm that she should have downloaded an app to pay for her ticket at the Jubilee Road car park in Wadebridge, Cornwall...

Health app founder dies after a brain tumour battle aged 36 - just years after her husband died following rare cancer in his abdomen

Home | Mail Online 21.11.2023 21:01 Health app founder Freyja Hanstein has died after a brain tumour battle - just a few years after her husband died following a rare cancer in his abdomen....

Apple oznámil finalisty soutěže App Store Awards. Načerpejte inspiraci pro hry a aplikace, které mají „něco“ navíc

Živě.cz 21.11.2023 23:01 Apple zveřejnil finalisty App Store Awards 2023 • Uvedneé hry a aplikace můžete brát jako zajímavou inspiraci • Výherce kategorií Apple oznámí koncem listopadu...

Apple oznámil finalisty soutěže App Store Awards. Načerpejte inspiraci pro hry a aplikace, které mají „něco“ navíc 20.11.2023 00:01 Apple zveřejnil finalisty App Store Awards 2023 • Uvedneé hry a aplikace můžete brát jako zajímavou inspiraci • Výherce kategorií Apple oznámí koncem listopadu...

Apple sa bráni voči inštalovaniu appiek mimo obchodu 20.11.2023 20:01 Argumentuje ochranou používateľov platformy. Zákon Európskej únie o digitálnych trhoch vyžaduje od veľkých spoločností, ktoré boli zaradené na zoznam tzv. strážcov, aby otvorili svoje platformy pre vývojárov tretích strán. Zrejme najväčší dosah to má na Apple, ktorý by musel pod tlakom únie značne prepracovať ako fung...

Police to roll out controversial new facial recognition software which enables officers to take photos of suspects on their mobile phones and search for a match within seconds

Home | Mail Online 19.11.2023 08:15 The controversial app, known as Operator Initiated Facial Recognition , has already been trialled by three police forces using software called iPatrol....

Coldplay fans revealed as the most devoted followers as they are found to book car parking spaces near venues up to four months before the band is due to perform

Home | Mail Online 19.11.2023 08:15 Coldplay devotees snaffle spaces up to four months before a gig. A parking app found fans of Coldplay were securing spots 116 days before their concert at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff in June....

Do you have ROCD? The little-known condition psychologists say could be ruining your relationship without you even knowing

Home | Mail Online 19.11.2023 18:30 People with relationship obsessive compulsive disorder pick apart their relationship or partner and obsess over their perceived flaws. However, researchers from Israel believe an app could help....

Jude Bellingham has been so good at Real Madrid they think he's 'from another PLANET'... the England star uses an app to understand Spanish, has a live-in private chef to help stay in peak shape and he's even teaching his team-mates about the Beatles!

Home | Mail Online 18.11.2023 11:45 PETE JENSON IN SPAIN: Speaking in Lisbon this week the head of LaLiga, Javier Tebas was talking about the impact of Jude Bellingham at Real Madrid. 'It's as if he's from another planet.'...

Elon's X advertisement nightmare: Full list of companies that have boycotted social media app after owner's anti-semitic tweet

Home | Mail Online 18.11.2023 22:00 Elon Musk as been strongly criticised by the Anti-Defamation League and Israel 's Foreign Ministry for his past remarks....

Who really does more chores in your house? TANYA GOLD and her husband Andrew have always argued about who bears the domestic brunt - but when they tried a new app, the results stunned them both

Home | Mail Online 17.11.2023 05:00 Everybody's talking about the new Share The Load online tool that asks you to input the hours you spend on various tasks and produces a definitive answer....

Microsoft má vlastní procesor a AI čip, JetBrains v Česku zaplatili miliardu na daních, nový čínský dravec v ČR 17.11.2023 11:01 V iOS 18 bude možné instalovat aplikace mimo App Store. Huawei bude mít čip pro Wi-Fi 7. Nový Steam Deck. Nové nejrychlejší superpočítače. Propouštění v Embraceru. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě....