Rozšírené hľadanie
Streda 18. December 2024 |
meniny má Sláva, Slávka

Hľadané slová - startup world cup

Nájdených 64 článkov.

The Life Changing Experience of the World's Longest Certified Race - 3100 Miles 07.11.2023 06:33 ...

První rozšíření pro Diablo IV příští rok

Xboxweb 07.11.2023 08:17  O víkendu se uskutečnil BlizzCon, který se po čtyřech letech vrátil do Anaheimu, aby fanouškům her studia Blizzard naservíroval nejčerstvější novinky. Kromě nového hrdiny Mauga pro Overwatch 2 či trojice rozšíření pro World of Warcraft, si pro sebe pódium uzmulo i v červnu vydané Diablo IV. Především bylo představeno pr...

Adults reveal the things they're 'too old' to deal with anymore

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 Whether it's the drinking antics you got up to as a student or being involved in countless petty arguments, Reddit users from around the world have shared what they're 'too old for'....

Where the world wants to LIVE: Fascinating map shows how Dubai is the number one city that people around the globe want to move to - followed by Miami and Paris

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 On the map - generated using Google search data - country names have been supplemented by the cities their residents most want information about relocating to....

Harrowing 1917 film of First World War's Battle of Arras is restored by the Imperial War Museum to the original version that was shown in cinemas that same year

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 Experts at the Imperial War Museum restored the footage over the course of five years. They opted to keep in the original camera caused by shelling on the battlefield....

The cr*ppiest place on Earth! Disney theme parks have been hit by so many people POOPING in lines for rides that cleaners now have special code to alert them to human feces

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 Disney World may have earned the moniker 'the happiest place on earth' - but visitors and employees alike aren't feeling the magic after witnessing people defecating and vomiting in line....

Lawrence Dallaglio's financial woes laid bare as England rugby legend shuts his company owing almost £1,900 to his local taxi firm

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 Dallaglio, 51, who has just returned from commentary duty at the rugby world cup has put his self-named company into liquidation to prevent it from being wound up by a court order....

AI predicts majority of the world will be VEGAN by 2075 - thanks to Gen Z and Millennials

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 OpenAI's ChatGPT created a detailed timeline for a prediction that the world will be vegan by 2075 due to Gen Z and Millennials pushing for more dairy and meat plant-based alternatives....

American tourist, 55, has his teeth blasted out after being shot in the face during South African vacation after GPS took him through one of world's worst crime hotspots

Home | Mail Online 07.11.2023 00:30 The 55-year-old man, identified Monday as Walter Fischel, is currently recovering post-surgery - and offered local news station News24 his version of what happened....

World Press Photo nevhodné pre deti? V Maďarsku odvolali šéfa múzea pre fotografie s témou LGBT+ - Tvoja kariéra 07.11.2023 00:46 Maďarský minister kultúry János Csák odvolal riaditeľa Maďarského národného múzea v Budapešti, ktorého obvinil z nedodržiavania zákona zakazujúceho zobrazovanie tém týkajúcich sa sexuálnych a rodových menšín maloletým....

Hráči se ve World of Warcraft budou muset vypořádat s Deathwingem 05.11.2023 19:30 Cataclysm míří do World of Warcraft Classic....

Kolosálne veterné elektrárne, ktoré budú plávať na mori, sa začnú čoskoro testovať. Na dosah máme revolučnú technológiu 05.11.2023 19:02 Približne rok dozadu spoločnosť World Wide Wind ukázala koncept veterných turbín, ktoré sa nadnášajú na vodnej hladine. Nešlo ale len o hocijaké veterné turbíny, ale o vodné elektrárne s vysokým výkonom. Nápad, ktorý bol takto rok dozadu len na papieri, sa ide realizovať, oznamuje spoločnosť. Revolučné elektrárne vypláv...

Wheelchair Tennis Masters: Alfie Hewett beats Gustavo Fernandez in singles final

BBC Sport | Tennis | UK Edition 05.11.2023 18:35 Britain's Alfie Hewett wins his third Wheelchair Tennis Masters singles title to finish the season as world number one....

Women's World Cup: Spain's jubilant champions arrive in Madrid

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 22.08.2023 08:45 The Spanish football team celebrate their win as they land at Madrid airport....

Spain celebrate winning the Women's World Cup after beating England 1-0 in the final with open-top bus parade as fans greet their heroes in Madrid... and Spanish Queen Letizia is in attendance

Home | Mail Online 22.08.2023 08:15 Spain fans have taken to the streets of Madrid to celebrate their side winning the Women's World Cup....