Monitorujeme 1674 zdrojov 31.05.2015 01:02 dagmar Dagmar Hary Levan Mark Peters Music Der in London aufgewachsene Singer/Songwriter lebt und musiziert seit 2008 in Wien. Mark, originally from London, moved to Vienna in the autumn of 2008 with just his Gibson Les Paul and Fender stage amp in his hands. It wasn’t long before he was playing guitar for a couple of local bands and performing a few solo shows around the city’s smaller venues. Soon after he became involved with event management and bookings for other artists. It was through this that he met his colleagues at the VMC Studios where they decided to create a point of focus for Vienna’s growing contemporary music scene. Before he arrived in Vienna, being a singer songwriter didn’t exactly pay the bills. Mark was also the senior guitar teacher and business coordinator for Education by Music, a large independent musical education body near London. These days he’s providing songwriting expertise, musical knowledge and rational thinking whenever it’s needed down at the studio. Niklas Budinsky
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