Rozšírené hľadanie
Nedeľa 17. November 2024 |
meniny má Klaudia

uLékař 17.03.2020 18:09 Dobry den, My request is as follows: I have been about a month treating vaginal Candidiasis. I have been given Klion D100, Fluconazol, and so far no results. The vaginal discharge is abundant, yellow, and smelly. My Gynecologist said that the next step should be to make a cultivation for a vaginal vaccination, I guess to try to identify the type of Candida. However, being in this quarantine situation the center has cancelled my ambulance appointment. I have a 4,5 months old baby and I am really worried about all the hygiene at home having this fungal disease. As well, I am loosing weight and due to the everlasting Candida in nipples I had to stop breastfeeding when I saw that Klion D100 did not work. I would like to find a Gynecologist who could help me in this situation. Thank you.