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Google Dooles 05.06.2023 09:15  Date: June 5, 2023 Today’s Doodle celebrates an important piece of legislation in Denmark — the Constitutional Act. On this day in 1849, King Frederick VII signed the first constitution, and Denmark was declared a constitutional monarchy. The document has been updated multiple times since then, and several revisions, including the most recent one in 1953, occurred on June 5th. Denmark Constitution Day has never been an official public holiday, but it is common for workers to be off of work to celebrate the country's democracy. Common activities include fællessang , eating pølser outside in parks, and attending church congregations. Denmark is one of just two countries that doesn't celebrate a national day, so Constitution Day is one of the more patriotic days. Many people attend political speeches or events and wave the red and white Dannebrog , which is featured in today's Doodle. Happy Constitution Day, or Grundlovsdag, Denmark! Location: Tags: