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Google Dooles 15.08.2023 00:45  Date: August 15, 2023 Today’s Doodle celebrates Korea’s Liberation Day, known locally as 광복절 or Gwangbokjeol, which directly translates to “bringing back the light.” On this day in 1945, Japan surrendered at the end of WWII and Korea broke free after 35 years of colonial rule. Koreans have a long, rich history dating back to 4 BCE, so the country was restored in 1945, not created. During the period of occupation, existing Korean culture was suppressed, making “liberation” a more accurate word than “independence.” To celebrate the day, some people attend the official government ceremony and sing the Gwangbokjeol song, which honors those who fought for freedom. The Korean flag is displayed across the country; citizens may carry and wave a small Taegeukgi, while larger ones hang from street lamps, public buildings, and homes. Happy National Liberation Day, Korea! Location: Tags: