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Štvrtok 27. Marec 2025 |
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Transmission - The spiritual Gateway - 15.03.2014 - Slovnaft Arena Bratislava

31.01.2014 00:01 After 7 years and 10 editions of TRANSMISSION on the Czech market promoter United Music proudly announces to go abroad with the TRANSMISSION brand. On Saturday the 15th of March 2014 Slovakian capital Bratislava will be the proud host of the first foreign edition of TRANSMISSION when the biggest indoor dance event in Central and Eastern Europe sets foot in the Slovnaft Arena. TRANSMISSION had its first edition on 18.02.2006 and quickly grew from 3.500 visitors to 11.000 when it moved to the o2 arena in 2007. The recent 10th edition of TRANSMISSION in Prague´s O2 arena on Saturday 30.11.2013 hosted 15.000 dance lovers from over 50 countries in the world and was totally sold out. The concept has grown to a mature and high level event, well known in the international dance scene and easily able to compete with Western-European events. Now the time has come that TRANSMISSION makes the step abroad. Over the years United Music became the leading dance event organisation in the Czech Republic. Martijn van den Berg says about the foreign adventure of the TRANSMISSION brand: „After 10 editions in Prague and a huge increasing demand from foreign fans the TRANSMISSION brand is now strong enough to seek foreign adventure. Since Slovakia is very close and we always have many Slovaks travelling to TRANSMISSION in Prague its a logical step that the first foreign edition will be there.“ He continued: „Slovakia is just the first step and at the moment we are talking to promoters from many other countries to see if we can also bring TRANSMISSION there. First the focus is on Europe, but who knows we will go overseas one day. We hope to announce more countries within the next few months. However we are critical when it comes to chosing the right venue and promoter so that we are sure that we can offer the same level of quality like in Prague.“ TRANSMISSION distinguishes itself compared to other regular dance events by its exclusive theme related story line which guides the visitors on a journey throughout the night. This comes back in the intro movies of the artists created by the Dutch award winning VJ team Vison Impossible, the Transmix -one of the highlights of the event which is a prerecorded mix of classics, stuffed with light, laser and pyro effects- and all the visuals during the night. Visitors of the first TRANSMISSION edition ever in Bratislava can look forward to enter the „The Spiritual Gateway“ show which was held on January 2013 in Prague and received great feedback. The production of the show will be done by United Music itself and the structure of the night will be similar like the show in Prague, which means: 16 lasers, a local warm up DJ, the Transmix,Funktion One soundsystem from the UK and Vision Impossible as VJ’s. The full TRANSMISSION Bratislava line-up -consisting of 7 artists- has just been released and looks very promising: Unofficial Transmission resident Markus Schulz will be headlining the event for the 9th time. The next big name on the line-up are the Egyptian trance legends ALY FILA, who return to TRANSMISSION after 6 years. Also for the lovers of the more electro sound there are big names as Ummet Ozcan and Orjan Nilsen will both return on the event. Rank1 has been booked for a special trance classic set and Slovakians Nifra and Pico complete the line-up. For foreign visitors there are various travels being organised and also travel packages are on offer through the official partner Instead of having just one TRANSMISSION a year there is now a next edition less than 2 months away, on the 15th of March when you will be able to fully enjoy this amazing event together with 10.000 other dance lovers. The spectacular TRANSMISSION show is brought to Slovakia by Screamland, a new brand and cooperation of wellknown and high level companies Ministry of Fun and Vivien. „Music brought you here together. Music is the spirit that connects us all. Music is: The Spiritual Gateway!“ United Music and Screamland are looking forward to see you Saturday the 15th of March 2014 to enjoy the very first Slovak edition of TRANSMISSION! TICKETS AND TRAVEL PACKAGES: Regular tickets are now on sale from 39 EURO . VIP tickets for 85 euro are available as well.Tickets can be bought through the following ticket sales networks: Official travel partner provides great deals of hotel + ticket: TRANSMISSION - The Spiritual Gateway 15.03.2014 20:00 PM - 06:00 AM SLOVNAFT ARENA BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA WWW.TRANSMISSION.SK / WWW.UNITEDMUSIC.CZ / WWW.VIVIEN.SK Transmission Facebook page: Transmission event page: Tickets: Aftermovie Spiritual Gateway: Transmix Spiritual Gateway:

Engineers Unchained - Maturaball des Linzer Technikums - 01.02.2014 - Brucknerhaus

31.01.2014 00:01 ENGINEERS UNCHAINED - Maturaball des Linzer Technikums _________________________________________________________ Unter dem Motto „Engineers Unchained“ wollen wir mit Euch den Abschluss unserer HTL-Ausbildung feiern! Website Wann ? 1.Februar 2014 Wo ? Brucknerhaus Linz Musikalisch wird die Veranstaltung vom Polizeitanzorchester Linz begleitet und natürlich bringen wir auch das Brucknerhaus mit DJ RST wieder zum Beben! Karten: Vorverkauf: Erwachsene 22€ // Schüler/innen 17€ Abendkassa: Erwachsene 24€ // Schüler/innen 19€ Karten sind bei allen Maturantinnen/Maturanten der Schule erhältlich! Einlass ist um 19:00 Uhr und Beginn um 20:00 Uhr. Abendkleidung obligat. Wie jedes Jahr erwarten Euch weiters viele Specials wie zum Beispiel das Schätzspiel und die Wahl der Ballkönigin/des Ballkönigs. AFTERBALL im Empire Linz ! ________________________________________________________ Seid dabei - wir freuen uns auf Euch !

Vienna School Night 2014 - 30.01.2014 - Palais Auersperg

30.01.2014 22:01 

Saturday Night @ Daimlers - 01.02.2014 - Daimlers Bar | Lounge

30.01.2014 22:01 

Friday Night @ Daimlers - 31.01.2014 - Daimlers Bar | Lounge

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Monkeys Samstags Party - 01.02.2014 - Monkeys Bar

30.01.2014 22:01 

Monkeys Freitags Party - 31.01.2014 - Monkeys Bar

30.01.2014 22:01 

Samstagsparty im Watzmann - 01.02.2014 - Watzmann

30.01.2014 22:01 

Freitagsparty im Watzmann - 31.01.2014 - Watzmann

30.01.2014 22:01 

We Funny Wednesday - 29.01.2014 - Watzmann

30.01.2014 22:01 Wie immer am FUNNY WEDNESDAY MIT DABEI: !!FUNNY WEDNESDAY SHOT SPECIAL!! PAY 1 GET 2 AUF ALLE SHOTS ♥ Als Draufgabe wie jede Woche gibt's das SMIRNOFF BOOT um unglaubliche 50,- Euronen!!! ♥ CAPTAIN MORGAN BOOT um unvorstellbarKaribische €50,- Nicht zu vergessen unsere Cocktail Time, bis 24 Uhr gibts alle Cocktails um € 4,5o,-

- 29.01.2014 - Watzmann

30.01.2014 22:01 Wie immer am FUNNY WEDNESDAY MIT DABEI: !!FUNNY WEDNESDAY SHOT SPECIAL!! PAY 1 GET 2 AUF ALLE SHOTS ♥ Als Draufgabe wie jede Woche gibt's das SMIRNOFF BOOT um unglaubliche 50,- Euronen!!! ♥ CAPTAIN MORGAN BOOT um unvorstellbarKaribische €50,- Nicht zu vergessen unsere Cocktail Time, bis 24 Uhr gibts alle Cocktails um € 4,5o,-

Fifa Tournament - 26.01.2014 - O'Malley's Irish Pub

30.01.2014 22:01 Show us your PS3 skills in the FIFA tournament! Prizes to be won...

Karaoke - 28.01.2014 - O'Malley's Irish Pub

30.01.2014 22:01 

Students Special - 29.01.2014 - O'Malley's Irish Pub

30.01.2014 22:01 Snakebite € 3,50 Spritzer € 2,00 Beer € 2,50 Not on Wednesdays before a holiday or at special events. All rights reserved.

Irish Party Night - 01.02.2014 - O'Malley's Irish Pub

30.01.2014 22:01