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Sobota 23. November 2024 |
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Sháníte knihu : Kryptologie, šifrování a tajná písma ?

30.01.2024 23:45 Kniha p?edního ?eského popularizátora kryptologie dokazuje, jak fascinující a dobrodružná m?že v?da o kódech a šifrách být. Kniha vyšla v 2006 v nákladu 8000 ks a byla brzy zcela vyprodána. Kniha nyní vyjde pomocí Crowdfundingu v rámci projektu Centra kybernetické bezpe?nosti, z. ú. . Podpo?te tento projekt a stanete se vlastníci této knihy.

Kryptologie, šifrování a tajná písma

30.01.2024 23:45 Kniha P.Vondrušky - Kryptologie, šifrování a tajná písma op?t vyjde. Knihu lze získat v rámci projektu Kybercentra .

P?ehled kvalitních bezplatných bezpe?nostních program?

30.01.2024 23:45 25+ Free Security Tools That You Need to Start P?ehled bezplatných silných antivirových a dalších bezpe?nostních program?, které vám mohou pomoci udržet vaše citlivé informace v bezpe?í.

Policie zatkla cizince, do bankomatu montovali ?te?ku karet

29.01.2024 08:30 Policisté v Praze zadrželi dva cizince t?sn? po tom, co do bankomatu nainstalovali skimmovací za?ízení s cílem dostat se k pen?z?m klient?. U zadržených muž? pak policisté zajistili i celou ?adu nástroj? k páchání této trestné ?innosti a vysíla?ky, informoval ve st?edu policejní mluv?í Jan Dan?k.

Crypto 2018 - August 19-23, 2018

01.01.2024 07:02 See Affiliated Events too.

Google: Security Keys Neutralized Employee Phishing

01.01.2024 07:02 Google has not had any of its 85,000+ employees successfully phished on their work-related accounts since early 2017, when it began requiring all employees to use physical Security Keys in place of passwords and one-time codes, the company told KrebsOnSecurity. Security Keys are inexpensive USB-based devices that offer an alternative approach to two-factor authentication , which requires the user to log in to a Web site using something they know and something they have .

Crypto gripes, election security, and mandatory cybersec school: Uncle Sam´s cyber task force emits todo list for govt

01.01.2024 07:02 The US Department of Justice this week released the first report from its Cyber Digital Task Force – which was set up in February to advise the government on strengthening its online defenses. , compiled by 34 people from six different government agencies, examines the challenges facing Uncle Sam´s agencies in enforcing the law and protecting the public from hackers. It also lays out what the government needs to do to thwart looming threats to its computer networks. Let´s Encrypt If you´ve been following the news for the last few years it will come as no surprise that the Justice Department is not a fan of the common man having access to encryption. The report bemoans the current state of encryption and its ability to keep the government from gathering and analyzing traffic for criminal investigations. The word ´encryption´ comes up 17 times in the report, not once in a favorable light. In the past several years, the Department has seen the proliferation of default encryption where the only person who can access the unencrypted information is the end user, the report reads. The advent of such widespread and increasingly sophisticated encryption technologies that prevent lawful access poses a significant impediment to the investigation of most types of criminal activity.

Quantum computing revenue to hit $15 billion in 2028 due to AI, R&D, cybersecurity

01.01.2024 07:02 The demand for quantum computing services will be driven by some process hungry research and development projects as well as by the emergence of several applications including advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, next-generation encryption, traffic routing and scheduling, protein synthesis, and/or the design of advanced chemicals and materials. These applications require a new processing paradigm that classical computers, bound by Moore’s law, cannot cope with. However, one should not expect quantum computers to displace their classical counterparts anytime soon.