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Štvrtok 21. November 2024 |
meniny má Elvíra
Debian: DSA-5805-1: guix Security Advisory Updates

09.11.2024 06:30 It was discovered that the daemon of the GNU Guix functional package manager was susceptible to privilege escalation. For additional information please refer to

SUSE: 2024:3954-1 moderate: java-21-openjdk Security Advisory Updates

09.11.2024 06:30 * bsc#1231702 * bsc#1231711 * bsc#1231716 * bsc#1231719

SUSE: 2024:3957-1 moderate: python311 Security Advisory Updates

09.11.2024 06:30 * bsc#1230906 * bsc#1232241 Cross-References: * CVE-2024-9287

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-8365: python-idna Moderate Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-8365: python-idna Moderate Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:

Oracle9: ELSA-2024-8935: edk2 security Moderate Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 9 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:

Oracle9: ELSA-2024-8914: libtiff security Moderate Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 9 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-8922: bzip2 Low Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-8876: go-toolset:ol8 Moderate Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:

Fedora 39: thunderbird 2024-ad738c922d Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 11:00 Update to 115.16.1

Debian: DSA-5804-1: webkit2gtk Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 11:00 The following vulnerabilities have been discovered in the WebKitGTK web engine: CVE-2024-44244

Slackware: 2024-312-01: expat Security Advisory Update

08.11.2024 11:00 New expat packages are available for Slackware 15.0 and -current to fix security issues.

SUSE: 2024:3945-1 moderate: python39 Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 11:00 * bsc#1230906 * bsc#1232241 Cross-References: * CVE-2024-9287

SUSE: 2024:3944-1 moderate: python3 Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 01:30 * bsc#1230906 * bsc#1232241 Cross-References: * CVE-2024-9287

Ubuntu 6882-2: Cinder Security Advisory Updates

08.11.2024 01:30 USN-6882-1 introduced a regression in Cinder.

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