25.09.2024 07:00 Seznam.cz is local competitor of Google search engine with similar market share in Czech Republic. It is well known for really slow indexing of new pages. Typical indexing time is days or weeks for small to medium sites. I found a simple solution to make it quicker.
25.09.2024 07:00 It could be quite challenging to theme Drupal output, especially if you want to use the Bootstrap framework. It's crucial to be able to modify the markup as you want. One of the typical elements of a multilanguage site is language switcher. Today I will show you how to create Bootstrap 3 language dropdown switcher by theme function.
25.09.2024 07:00 Google Tag Manager is a well known service which helps programmers and marketers work separately. The Commerce Google Tag Manager module which I've developed creates a bridge between Google Tag Manager and Drupal Commerce .
03.09.2024 01:45 Recently, a web hosting company I use sent me an email warning me about exceeding allowed size of the database. The limits are quite restrictive in this case. I had to deal with this issue based on a client request. I found out that the problem was in cache tables, especially the cache_fom table. It consumed about 80 % of the total space. But why?
03.09.2024 01:45 There are many ways how you can improve user experience. One of them is proper use of HTML5 elements. Unfortunatelly Drupal 7 was released before these elements were widely used.